Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tonight: Florida, and Not-Bruce

Tonight’s going to be a doozy for my first night back from Florida, where there was no shortage whatsoever of sun and sand and whoop-whoop. Or so I hear.

I brought back a couple of prizes from my voyage to the Gulf Coast, including a most excellent coconut carved into the shape of a pirate (a pirate! How arrrre ye gonna beat that?). It’s got a chain attachment so you can hang it in a place of honor in your swingin’ pad. Maybe over the bed to ward off evil spirits.

Oh, and I found the Betty-Boop-in-a-neck-brace-Pez-dispenser store again. That last one was a hit, and so I procured another couple of those bad boys. They only had Betty, but she does wear various outfits (I know, they're stickers on a rectangular box, but this is showbiz. Work with me). You-all are gonna be so damn spoiled by the time I get through with youse. Hopefully.

Questions this week will be equally festive and topical. And I’ll give you one hint about the audio round: One song sounds like Springsteen, but isn’t. Another one is a cover of a Springsteen song. But there is no Bruce Springsteen anywhere in the answers to the audio round.

See you tonight, you sexy bastards. It’s good to be home.