Friday, March 30, 2007

For Advanced Trivia Folk, or Those About To Rock

Never let it be said that you don't have options for the upcoming weeks.

Item 1:

On April 14th, a worldwide competition called The Transatlantic Quiz is being held at the New York Aquatic Club, as well as a string of other places around the US, Canada and England, all at the same time. The sample questions are a little harder than ours (or for Jeopardy's, for that matter), and it doesn't look like there are any actual prizes past doing a big ole trivia test and bonding with fellow quiz dorks across the English-speaking world, but frankly, what more do you need? (If a few DSO folks wanna go in on this, we'll make a day of it. Email me or leave a comment with some kind of contact info.)

What's exciting about this (aside from the obvious) is that it apparently leads into a worldwide quiz on June 2, sponsored by a group called the Game Show Congress. It would seem the opportunities to geek out on quiz programming, in all its myriad forms, from East Village piss-ups to travelling the world as the bastard spawn of the Great Trebek and Ken Jennings, are virtually unlimited.

(** Update: Ken Jennings is apparently going to participate in this thing himself. Further details in the comments.)

Item 2:

In other (equally esoteric) news, the U.S. Air Guitar Championships will be at the Bowery Ballroom June 7, and they're still accepting entrants, if you wish to get your freak on beside the likes of William Ocean, the Rock Ness Monster and the (let's face it, totally sweet) Björn Turöque: