Oh, if only Sam and I had huddled before the game, he could have written his round on Bridges and I would have countered with Tunnels. Oh, well.
Instead, I cooked up a round called "Mixed Fruit," where we explored ex-Warhol-not-quite-superstar Cherry Vanilla, Plum Sykes, the author of Bergdorf Blondes, Darryl Strawberry, and a fruit cocktail of other cultural touchstones such as the produce on the Fruit of the Loom tags.
For the round of "threes," the trios included neighborhoods in the Bronx, animal groups (pride, clowder, brace), pasta shapes, US poet Laureates, and the paramours of Michele Pfeiffer. We are nothing if not eclectic.
Monday, March 12, 2007
3/07 Recap, Part II
Janet files this report: