Friday, March 23, 2007

3/21 Recap: Smell The Love (And The Sweet Air Of A New Waitress! *And* A New Sponsor!)

Funny, despite last week being St. Patrick's Day and openly hostile besides, this week was at least as loud as any other week. Just in a more positive way. It may have been that the temperature had just gone up, and was about to go up again, to the point where I'm now at my office gig in a sleeveless Scorpions t-shirt, and my 24-inch pythons are rippling with sweat as I type these words.

Trust me.

This week's rounds:

1. On This Day - Big ups to my boy Otto Von Bismarck (or as one team put it, "Auto Von Bismark," as if the old chancellor was the new keyboardist for Kraftwerk or something), and the professional babydaddy we all know and love as K-Fed. (It was pleasing to know how many of you had forgotten about the glory of Popozao.)

2. Audio Round: First Day Of Spring - A string of First-ish songs, including Barry White, Foreigner, Bright Eyes, XTC, and Gladys Knight and the Pips. I didn't realize how many people don't really like the Barenaked Ladies. I went to high school with them, people. I don't care how jokey-corny they are, you will like them.

3. Let It Fly - Janet's round about The Fly, I'll Fly Away, flies in ointments and elsewhere was very well balanced, unlike...

4. I Can't Tell You Y - where all the answers started with the 25th letter of the alphabet, which led to questions about Trisha Yearwood, Steve Yzerman, Yerba Mate, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and of course, Yiffing. (That link is safe for work, as is this one. If you want the naughty stuff, go nuts.)

5. Name 3's

Team names this week:
  • 1st Place: I Love Parrots In The Springtime

  • 2nd Place: The Un-Bushies

  • 3rd place: Nancy Kerrigan's Revenge

    Followed by (in no particular order):

  • Big Ass Bus (BABS)

  • The Provisionally Unconfirmed Lesbians (would someone complete the research on this and report back? I don't want to have to start issuing subpoenas here, metaphorically speaking.)

  • Ass of Bass (There are 968 different ways to pronounce this team name, all of them wrong.)

  • We ♥ Barry! Pleather Pants Power!

  • Global Warming Rules!

  • Strangers In The Night (Literally)

  • Stroopwafellers - Pick A Side, Kerry! (later, Stroopwaffle Iron!) (later, Strike While The Stroopwaffle is hot!)

  • Mike's Bitches

  • Billy No Mates (later, Billy Found Mates!)

  • Drunk Cuban Cheetahs!

  • Demie!

  • We Love Kym, Too! (Kym is our newest waitress. We'll miss Christina, but Kym is very nice and more than equal to the task of keeping you nice people properly moistened for the evening)

  • Ramsey!

  • CC Carolyn (later Fuck You, We Heart Barry! CC Carolyn! God Damn You Whores! Hell Hath No Fury Like A Paralegal Scorned!)

We would like to welcome our newest sponsor, Centricity Vintage Clothing & Accessories (63 East 4th Street, between 2nd Avenue & Bowery in the East Village), who provided us with a $25 gift certificate for their fine shop. Go say hi to Christine, who owns the place. She's great, and her collection of 60's-era kitschwear is swingin' and ace. Check her store out.