For this, Janet's birthday, and the first we-knew-it-in-advance nice day of the year, there seemed to be a little extra low-level drama in the room. The pirate people had to leave after three rounds because of some emergency (I hope everything's okay, guys), and then someone threw a dart over a crowded table (not even in anger, just because), and it was a pretty nice dart, too, not one of those cheap-crap here-take-these jobbies they pull out of the sink behind the bar that couldn't poke Marty Feldman's eye out at ten paces neither, a real nice one, with holographic whatnots and weight balance and, I don't know what I'm talking about. Even during the game, though, there was the rarity of the Scrabble Solution question deciding first place.
And y'know, give this Sanjaya kid a break. I understand the purists think he's a blight on what American Idol has come to represent, and he may be a little dim and a little flat most of the time, but fuggit, he's seventeen. Let him have his fun. Better him than William Hung, or Justin Guarini, far as I care. So everyone who's pissed about him, just take a deep breath, eat something, and enjoy the last few weeks of this thing before Paula Abdul's vicodin prescription runs out.
This week's rounds:
1. On This Day - Big ups to Reba McEntire, and her homies Ed Muskie, Dianne Wiest and Mario Vargas Llosa!
2. Audio Round: I Must Be King - If Janet is the Queen (not this Queen, but, you know), then these ten songs about Kings made sense in context. Featuring Kingly songs by Midnight Oil, Social Distortion, Steve Martin, Moxy Fruvous, Jawbreaker, Everclear and the mighty King Crimson.
3. -ULA - I'm kind of surprised there even were ten questions based on things that ended with those three letters (Kula Shaker, Count Chocula, Missoula, lunulas, Don Shula, End User License Agreements, and Spatula City, everyone's favorite tone-deaf teenage hula dancer, and the tragic American figure we now know as "Tom Dooley.")
And here, as a special bonus, is the theme song to Quantum Leap, the (quite good, as I remember it) show starring Scott Bakula. (thanks, DSO person who wishes to remain anonymous! We are all better for your largesse!)
4. N.Y.C.J.A.N.E.T - In which Janet wondered aloud who Scott Stringer was, who Janet Weiss was, which NYC mayor had a musical created in his honor, and what's in the Frick collection that's so frickin great.
5. Name 3's - Three popes, three SAG Presidents, three Roots albums, three rum drinks, three state mottos, and an awful lot of people who knew who Jean Vander Pyl was, which made me very happy.
Team names this week:
We had more candy than usual this week. It just worked out that way. Oceans of chocolate and cookie-based concoctions filled the room as we finished like it was pudding day at the rest home. (I love you guys.)
Aside from the belowmentioned DVD and coffee table book, Marty (your bartender) also brought out a VHS copy of So I Married An Axe Murderer, and I forgot to give away the second copy of the soundtrack to The Queen, so we'll have that for next week.
I know I missed a bunch of stuff this week, but that's what the comments are for.
Thanks as always for coming.
And y'know, give this Sanjaya kid a break. I understand the purists think he's a blight on what American Idol has come to represent, and he may be a little dim and a little flat most of the time, but fuggit, he's seventeen. Let him have his fun. Better him than William Hung, or Justin Guarini, far as I care. So everyone who's pissed about him, just take a deep breath, eat something, and enjoy the last few weeks of this thing before Paula Abdul's vicodin prescription runs out.
This week's rounds:
1. On This Day - Big ups to Reba McEntire, and her homies Ed Muskie, Dianne Wiest and Mario Vargas Llosa!
2. Audio Round: I Must Be King - If Janet is the Queen (not this Queen, but, you know), then these ten songs about Kings made sense in context. Featuring Kingly songs by Midnight Oil, Social Distortion, Steve Martin, Moxy Fruvous, Jawbreaker, Everclear and the mighty King Crimson.
3. -ULA - I'm kind of surprised there even were ten questions based on things that ended with those three letters (Kula Shaker, Count Chocula, Missoula, lunulas, Don Shula, End User License Agreements, and Spatula City, everyone's favorite tone-deaf teenage hula dancer, and the tragic American figure we now know as "Tom Dooley.")
And here, as a special bonus, is the theme song to Quantum Leap, the (quite good, as I remember it) show starring Scott Bakula. (thanks, DSO person who wishes to remain anonymous! We are all better for your largesse!)
4. N.Y.C.J.A.N.E.T - In which Janet wondered aloud who Scott Stringer was, who Janet Weiss was, which NYC mayor had a musical created in his honor, and what's in the Frick collection that's so frickin great.
5. Name 3's - Three popes, three SAG Presidents, three Roots albums, three rum drinks, three state mottos, and an awful lot of people who knew who Jean Vander Pyl was, which made me very happy.
Team names this week:
- 1st Place: Drop The Restraining Order, Tony!
- 2nd Place: I Am Intrigued By Your Ideas And Wish To Subscribe To Your Newsletter
- 3rd place: Cash Money Daffadillionaires (It was you guys who brought Janet flowers, wasn't it?)
Followed by (in no particular order): - Millions of Lumpy Peaches: A Tribute To The Presidents Of The United States Of America
- Tom Selleck's Moustache
- 9th Inning Touchdown!
- Crabitat Attack!
- Yesterday's Losers (Who traveled here from England, and who have apparently done trivia contests on at least three continents; more on these two in a future post)
- Phantom Punch
- Esqueers
- Anna Nicole Baby Daddy
- Lunchbox
- Joakim Noah's Ark
- My Own Pirate Idaho
We had more candy than usual this week. It just worked out that way. Oceans of chocolate and cookie-based concoctions filled the room as we finished like it was pudding day at the rest home. (I love you guys.)
Aside from the belowmentioned DVD and coffee table book, Marty (your bartender) also brought out a VHS copy of So I Married An Axe Murderer, and I forgot to give away the second copy of the soundtrack to The Queen, so we'll have that for next week.
I know I missed a bunch of stuff this week, but that's what the comments are for.
Thanks as always for coming.