I wound up missing last night's sports trivia thing because of a delicate "manly" condition. (Some things are best not talked about in mixed company.) But it did afford me the opportunity to put together a quality audio round, which plays on the whole idea that Valentine's Day is over, which means you can either squirrel yourself back in your little love nests and trysteries, or get back to the business at hand, that of being alone again, naturally. Whichever your situation may be, or whether you're just in a once-a-year fling thing, well, I hope that works out for you.
And while the special grand goldfish bowl prize will not be making an appearance tonight, it certainly will next week, as Spring creeps ever closer to our collective doorsteps. I do, however, have a bondagey Pez dispenser-like contraption, news themed clothing, and a book by Dr. Phil's wife.
As well as all the regular bar tab and other pointless and occasionally edible prizes on the docket. Never let it be said we don't take care of you.