Thursday, February 22, 2007

3-08: 2/21 Recap - Betty Boop In A Neck Brace (or Where The Goys Are)

You guys keep surprising me. I was expecting a chill evening, hanging out, watching the Knicks lose and maybe ordering some pizza, throwing some questions around and wishing I could make it to the Ernest Borgnine night in the West Village (which I heard was kind of lame, which is kind of a bummer), and then it was like the bus from the Cool Institute stopped in front of the bar and let out a Parker Posey-like posse. There were a couple of groups who hadn't come in a long while, and a mess of new people too. (I hope some of you stick with us. The prizes are only going to get better.)

And to the team who named themselves after a serial killer with a brain fetish: I have to admit, I've never watched Heroes, and so I didn't know how to pronounce your name. I'm sorry. I try to know as much as I can about as much as I can. That's kind of my job. And this Sylar fellow sounds like my kind of guy. I'm not really the bulletproof cheerleader type anyways. (Keep those pictures coming, though.)

This week's rounds:

1. On This Day - Happy birthday to Anais Nin! And Nina Simone! And the Communist Manifesto! And Affirmed!

2. Audio Round: I'm So Lonesome I could Plotz - Since it was a week after Valentine's Day, I figured I'd do a round on songs about not being with someone. Can you guess which tracks I used from The Police, George Thorogood, Tiffany, Tommy James & the Shondells, or Roy Orbison? Unlike the Motels said, not only the lonely can play.

I'm trying over here. Work with me.

3. Happy - In which Janet dropped Samuel Johnson and Kander & Ebb, but not one of my favorite bands or the latest Will Smith Oscarbait, which I am sad to report was vastly overrated.

4. They died in '06 - I was having a discussion with a few friends this week about who was going to get the biggest round of applause during the Grief Reel at the Oscars. The consensus was that it was going to be Robert Altman, though Jack Palance and Don Knotts are going to get some love.

5. Name 3's - Not only is Zsa Zsa Gabor Hungarian, she was chosen as Miss Hungary for 1936! (Sure, she was later disqualified, but still.) And forgive me, but what has she done since? I mean, that's a hell of a long time to dine out on an accomplishment, girlfriend.

We totally didn't enforce the team size rule this week, and as a result, there were some teams that were, um, large. Not that it helped; the three podium teams all had five players or less:
  • 1st Place: Tony Looks More and More Like Britney Every Day! (Shyeah, as if.)

  • 2nd Place: The Knicks Are Down By (as the Knicks slowly fell further and further behind, their score increased. Kinda clever, actually.)

  • 3rd place: Laissez-Fairgrounds

    Followed by (in no particular order):

  • It's Never Too Late For An Astronaut Love Triangle!

  • We Are All Dannielynn's Daddies!

  • The Well-Dressed Man Disguise

  • The Dancing Oysters of Greater Lebanon

  • METS/Bill Kristol/GNYCE (Could someone explain what these three things have in common?)

  • Tim Hardaway's Baby Daddies (A theme here, there is)

  • RehabFab

  • Miso-Horney

  • Sylar

  • Master of the Kennel

  • John Solo

  • The Little Way

  • Writers Of Rohan

  • Cheap Tricks(who would have finished dead last except they got the Scrabble solution about the number of survivors from the Titanic)

Among the prizes this week was a Pez dispenser knockoff of Betty Boop which looked rather like she had sustained a spinal injury, and had to be kept in a neck brace. The fetishists in the room were all over it. Also, as a gift, we gave away a copy of a novel called Goy Crazy, which seems like a pleasant enough read, if a little preteenish for our crowd. (I've forgotten who won that, but if someone could take an hour and read it and let us know how it was, I'd be grateful.)

Tara, the fill-in waitress, had her hands full all night, and performed admirably. We are kind of a hurry-up-and-wait kind of scene, and it's not the kind of thing every server can do. We've seen this shift drive otherwise good people out the door screaming in rage. Even though we miss Christina, Tara did a fine job.

I know I forgot to mention something.