This week's rounds:
1. On This Day
2. Audio Round: Cysted Twister - featuring various Sisterly songs, including selections (can you guess which song I picked) by Night Ranger, the Velvet Undeground, Steely Dan, Cheech & Chong, and the Elvis Presley version of a Dwight Yoakam track from last week. It's all about the continuity.
3. Russians - Black ones, white ones, Muscovites, Petrogradders, even a Latvian, a Tatar & a Kazakh (from when they counted as Russian), and it wouldn't have been complete without a mention of Maria Sharapova and Rasputin, the Beauty and the Beast of the old country.
4. Minty Fresh - In which Janet asked about Peppermint Patty and Altoids and stuff.
5. Name 3's - If you knew who Esmeralda Villalobos was, or Dr. Jonathan Zizmor, or the names of three different foods eaten off a stick, then you probably did okay.
Team names were better this week:
- 1st Place: Fellowship of the Ringworm
- 2nd Place: The Pillage People
- 3rd place: That Harry Potter's Got A Jungle Bush! (I would link to the photo spread in question, but you people know how to use the google, don't you?)
Followed by (in no particular order): - The Dizzle Dogs
- One Canadian
- The Remainders
- Team Kuby: NYHAngels
- You Stop Drinking, Voices!
- Kate's Kate
- FDR's Legs (I had to admit, this was a good name)
- Secret Agent Death Train!
- Drunken Inquisition
- Please Give Us Ramen (They got Pocky instead, and they LIKED IT)
- UNC 83, Miami 71. Yes, We Even Knew That. (Hm. Not quite. At least you picked the winner, though.)
- The Little Way
- Zoole In The Fridge (Did you mean "Zuul In The Fridge," perchance?)
I know it's been over a week. Sorry. I should be in traction.