Thursday, June 15, 2006

6/14 Recap

Speaking for myself, I was a bit lazy this week. I've watched approximately 317 World Cup matches, and my brain has become a fine paste. But that didn't stop it from being a much better night then even last week.

1. On This Day - Happy birthday to Pat Summitt, who despite the fact that she's already the winningest coach in women's basketball history, could easily still have 20 years of coaching in front of her. (You know where she coaches, right)

Oh, ten questions and I didn't even mention Flag Day once. So, Happy Flag Day!

2. Audio round - Bob Dylan Covers - I didn't use any Byrds songs or Hendrix, nor did I find room for the Ramones' "My Back Pages," but here's what I did use:
  • Van Morrison - It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
  • U2 - All Along The Watchtower
  • Manfred Mann - The Mighty Quinn (Quinn the Eskimo)
  • Warren Zevon - Knockin' On Heaven's Door
  • Red Hot Chili Willies - Subterranean Homesick Blues
  • Steve Earle - My Back Pages
  • PJ Harvey - Highway 61 Revisited
  • Duran Duran - Lay Lady Lay
  • The Pretenders - Forever Young, and of course:

3. Wolves At The Door - Including questions about Peter Wolf, Naomi Wolf, Wolfen (well, actually about Albert Finney and his Oscar nominations, but still), and Sergei friggin' Prokofiev.

4. On The Ropes - in which only one question was actually about rope. There was, however, Rope, Roper, tightropers, the rope-a-dope and double dutch.

5 - True Or False.

Team name trends this week included a lot of before-and-after style action, which I'm always a sucker for, and the Madeline Kahn shoutout just made me smile. ("It's twuuue! It's twuuuuue!")

  • Celebrity Watch: Caren Lissner from Tuesday Night Trivia was there with her full entourage, as well as some respresentatives from our newest sponsor, for whom we are most grateful.
  • Teams this week included:
    - 1st place: The Wrath Of Madeline Khan (first time winners!)
    - 2nd place: Occam's Toothbrush
    - 3rd Place: License To Kill Bill

    And then, in no particular order:
    - Ursprache (God bless 'em, they spelled it right)
    - Ben Toothlessburger (so tasteless, they won Best Team Name, which this week was Tangled Ropes: The Superstar Billy Graham Story)
    - Efficient Frontier
    - Jose Pepe Mayorca & his Recipes (I don't even understand this, but it was sure fun to say)
    - and Million Dollar Baby Got Back, even though I don't remember Hilary Swank having much in the way of booty in that movie. That, though, is a subject for further research.

Okay, I'm off to the pub now to watch England beat Trinidad & Tobasco, but what did I miss?