I'm fully aware that I've taken a couple of weeks off from the blog, and without notice, which I know makes me not only less of a hero in the eyes of the sweet, innocent little children who come out every Wednesday night and keep Kym busy running back & forth ordering pitchers of Shirley Temples & Hawaiian Punch and who keep Facebook's servers glowing with the latest gossip about Janet's hair or what exactly I was trying to say in my fractured pidgin Irish two hours after trivia was over and I was way past my bedtime, but also (for those of you who don't subscribe to the RSS feed and still come here every day hoping to read something here, like a recap or whatever) kind of a dork.
Well, guilty as charged. I am a dork. In fact, we are all a dork, a student, a journalist, a comedian, a human-rights worker, a wii enthusiast, and a drunken smartass. (Does that answer your question?)
What I can safely promise, though, is that tonight I will be giving away some excellent prizes, and all of them by, for, about or to the douchebag in your life whom you love the best. Amber waves of douchebaggery tonight! Long may they wave!
I have the recap material here, and I'll be getting them up once I get on top of this new job I got. (Oh yeah, I got hired, which is great, but I have to make sure I don't look like I'm conducting trivia business on company time. Much.)
See you tonight.