I'm actually wondering if Dempsey's has done some work in the last year that I didn't know about.
One of the reasons we took last July off was that the place would just get unbearably hot in the summertime, but with the temperature staying up around 80 last night, the extra ceiling fans really made a difference. The air was still a little funky, but it was a little cooler, and with the coming further renovations next month (if they involve Dempsey's being closed on a Wednesday, I'll let you know as soon as I know), this summer could be rather more pleasant than last year.
This week's rounds:
On This Day - In which Janet namedropped Rosario Dawson, the African National Congress, and Prince Rainier, as well as commemorating the publication of the
de facto bible of a fruity little cult.
Audio Round: One Song Leads To Another - Okay, here's the deal. I could make up a story about how this round was exquisitely conceived out of whole cloth during a peyote binge inspired by the arrest of Paris Hilton and the retirement of Tony Blair, but the story is that my CD burner died, and so I frankensteined together an audio round out of duct tape and kleenex this week. I am a slave to technology, and every once in a while, Technology yanks the leash to let me know who's boss.
Because I Can - Cannery Row, the Cult Awareness Network, "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better," and the number of cards in a full game of
Mothers - Because not only is this the week of Mother's Day, but two teams brought their parents to the game, thus winning these cool mesh hangy down container things from IKEA. (I recommend bringing one's parents to the DSO. Team trivia is a great bonding exercise, and they tend to know shit you don't.)
Name 3's - Between last night and today: a correction. James "Scotty" Doohan, Gene Roddenberry and Timothy Leary have all had their cremains launched into orbit, but it seems the
Scotty has become the man who fell to Earth.
Team names this week:
- 1st Place: Xes For Eyes (This may be the name of my band, and I know the First Rule of the DSO is No attempt is made to make this game fair, but they won fair and square, no diggety.)
- 2nd Place: Please God, Don't Make Me Work For Rupert
- 3rd place: Coney Island Tenement
Followed by (in no particular order):
- It's Not A Bald Spot, It's A Solar Panel For A Sex Machine
- I Love My Mom & Dad & Fan Boy
- No Talent Ass Clowns
- The Hilton Cell Block Inn
- ↑↑↓↓←→←→BA[Start]
- White Water Rupture
- The Wetbacks
- Awesome∞ ^ 2
- Ups Syndrome
- Dana, Making It Work In '07 Without Sam!
- The Wall Hungarians!
- Table For Juan
I am looking forward next week to a batch of chili (enough for everyone, apparently) cooked using a recipe from the Canned Soup Cookbook we gave away this week. See, that's the kind of thing that makes this shit fun. Feed us, is what I'm saying here.
What did I miss?