Thursday, January 11, 2007

3-02: 1/10 Recap: I Wish I Could Write My Own Prescriptions Too

Okay, I figured that since it was the week after the holidays, and all the reveller types who'd come home to the city for a nice meal and a knees-up with their mates had come down and made the holiday versions of the DSO into such a killerdiller success had gone back out into the world to make their fortune or whatever, that this would have been a nice quiet week. Seriously, I was preparing for it. But it wound up being pretty rowdy. I just celebrated my birthday this week, and your presence was a wonderful present.

Oh, great. Now I'm getting vaklempt. I need a moment.

Okay. This week's rounds:

1. On This Day - Happy birthday to Linda Lovelace, George Foreman, Rasputin, Tintin and one-half of Steely Dan.

2. Audio Round: Little Things - A counterpart to the Big Things round of last week, in which we heard the Replacements, Otis Redding, Prince, Jay and the Americans, and the only Don Ho song most of you will ever need to know.

3. Buffalo - In which Janet asked about Buffalo Wings (having been to the Anchor Bar, I can vouch for that buffalo wings were actually a good idea once), Buffalo Girls, and the amazingly awful superstud-for-hire Vincent Gallo.

4. Let's Play Doctor! - In which you were to know about the dock at which the Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum normally is moored, what Dock Ellis was on when he threw his 1970 no-hitter, who currently occupies the seat once held by Doc Severinsen, and how well you know the lyrics to "(Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay."

5. Name 3's - Three choreographers, three sopranos, three parts of a shoe, and three beans, one of which shared its name with a prominent goof-deathcore band.

There were a lot of teams (not a record size, but pretty close). If you finished in the top ten, you really accomplished something. This week, you were:
  • 1st Place: Saving Pirate Ryan
  • 2nd Place: Yvonne de Carlo Ponti of No Return (a shoutout to the two celebrity deaths of this week, and maybe just a little too clever by half. Still.)
  • 3rd place: The Mighty Mice

    Followed by (in no particular order):
  • ÖRPS

  • Hokey Birds

  • At Least We're Not Sitting On The Floor! (or, Boy These Chairs Are Comfy!)

  • New Jersey: Smelt It, Dealt It!

  • Headband Masterplan

  • I Don't Particularly Like Trivia; I Just Don't Want To Hear Bush's Speech

  • We Wish We Had A Clever Team Name

  • Go Tard '06 Overstock

  • New Jersey Natural Gas

  • The Bolsheviks

  • Team Schaboma

  • The Surge!

  • The Team Formerly Known As...

  • The Gordon Shumways

  • Hell In A Handbasket

  • Axe Wound

  • The Moustache Ride

  • Dutchboys & Dikes

  • NYC Air Quality Control

  • Shiney McShine & the Dreams

Prizes this week included some fridge magnets (not just from our friends at the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, but also a novelty set for doctoring fridged-photos), a suction-cup battery-operated fan shaped like a little airplane, and packs of Tally-Ho playing cards, in case we weren't enough gameplay for you for the week.

Janet & I really appreciate you coming out to this thing every week. Thanks, as always.

What else happened? I was kind of busy and may have missed something.