Thursday, April 20, 2006

4/19 Recap

1. On This Day
2. (audio round) Spring Fever, Part II
3. On The Occasion of Queen Elizabeth II's 80th Birthday
4. Taxes (included one question on "Taxis")
5. True/False

The questions about the Queen were taken from this list of 80 facts about her 80th birthday. And yeah, there were other facts sprinkled through the rest of the evening as well. (I can't get over the fact that shehas a gold record for doing a spoken word album called Party At The Palace. That, with all due respect, is off the hook, kind of, innit?

Also, I'm kind of surprised (although I guess I shouldn't be) that the Queen was among the very first non-geek, non-military people to send an email, in 1976. I'm guessing she must have sent it from an IBM Selectric with a pterodactyl in it.


  • My favorite team name: Wes Mantooth and the Channel Nine News Team. (I was hoping they would all turn and face front in unison, like Ron and Veronica trained Brian, Brick & Champ to do, but that was just a low-level fantasy of mine.)

  • The best reaction to a team name was for "The Roosevelt Island Swim Team." Everyone loves a tragedy. You heartless freaking vultures, all of you.

  • Lastly, there were nine teams, but most teams had way too many people. We'll start getting a little harder-assed about the numbers on the teams (officially it's five, but six is a hard maximum) next week. Think of it this way: you risk winning more shit this way.

I have some images I'm trying to fix my scanner so I can share, and I'm thinking about listing the prizes in advance so you can prepare your desires accordingly. The bar tab prizes are a constant, but we have many books and whatnot as well. Leave a comment if you have any ideas about this.

Thanks for your support, and see you next Wednesday.