Case in point: last week's recap. I know. They all used to be that late. But I'm trying to set a better example these days. Y'know, for the kids.
Case in point number two: last night's questions. I left the folder containing my two non-audio rounds on my desk at home, and did not realize it until Janet was well into her first round. Fortunately, I had saved the notes I had made on my phone, and so instead of having only three rounds and everyone has a drink on me, I was able to reconstruct my research for you people.
I do not wish to make a habit of this, though. I'm going to start emailing myself the finished questions as well, so they'll be reachable from anywhere, even if I putz out again. Clearly, I need a full-time Secretary. I'll accept applications in the comments. Base salary will begin at coffee and cake, with bonuses of, oh, I have an extra copy of this Beastie Boys album. Really, let's negotiate.

1. On This Day - During Janet reading the answers about which country exercised ownership of the Faroe Islands, someone yelled "Fuckin' Denmark!", which brought a good laugh, because really, the Danes have way too much influence on modern American culture. I mean, it's Kierkegaard this, and Hamlet that, and those huge dogs, I mean, it never ends. We get it. A thousand years of culture, the oldest flag still in use, and Hans Christian Andersen. It's enough to make a nation feel inferior, fergodsake.
2. Audio Round: Sign of the Times - Songs about Time, including selections from Bjork, the Zombies, Marshall Crenshaw, the Police, Leonard Cohen and XTC.
3. Billionaires - We could do another round on famous billionaires, there were so many excellent and colorful examples since the first modern one, J. Paul Getty, topped the first Forbes list a half-century ago. (There were billionaires before that, just not that I cared about.) (Unless Santa Claus counts.) (Which he does, Virginia. He so does.)
4. Lions & Tigers & Bears - I couldn't believe virtually no one got Bear Stearns as one of the answers. There aren't that many financial institutions named for predatory animals, even if they all claim to act like such beasts when it comes to managing your money.
5. Name 3's - What now-legendary record did Roger Connor once hold? Most of you knew that one, which was nice, but the fact that many of you couldn't name three of the US Attorneys currently involved in this Gonzalez scandal kind of saddened me. Oh well!
Team names this week:
- 1st Place: Every Day Is A Winding Rove (who, had they not won, should have won Best Team Name for their triple-argot of Karl Rove twisting away from Sheryl Crow's reedy leftist touch)
- 2nd Place: Keep Him On The Balls!
- 3rd place: Tony's Got 3 Boobs, But His Legs Ain't Cutting It! (I think this is unfair, as I work very hard on my legs; I did have three boobs to give away, though)
Followed by (in no particular order): - Lauren
- Alpha Male Shitheads, and the Women Who Love Them! (they won the copy of Leadership by Rudy Giuliani, which seemed entirely appropriate)
- Voyage Of The Mimi
- Dodge Darts
- Charter School's Is Edjukashun @ it's goodest!
- Parks Sucks!! (later they added: A Lot!!!)
- Girls Just Want To Have Rum! (welcome back!)
- The Rusty Gromets (who traveled all the way from Austin, TX to play, and dressed up for the occasion besides)
- The Baby Comes Out The Hinder
- The Jam
- Lubricators
- I Am The Walrus
- Please Kill Me!
We did, in fact, give away three eerily real-feeling breasts this week, and there are more where that came from. However many boobs you've got, you can never have too many. We also gave away a copy of National Lampoon's Sunday Newspaper Parody, which is still very funny, but oh so very 1978.
Thanks for coming out this week. It was rainy and cruddy and there was American Idol and hockey and basketball on, and it was really nice to see you guys.
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